Prerequisites and Installation


Spiking-FullSubNet is built on top of PyTorch and provides standard audio signal processing and deep learning tools. To install the PyTorch binaries, we recommend Anaconda or Miniconda as a Python distribution.


  1. First, create a Conda virtual environment with Python. In our project, python=3.10 is tested.

    # Create a virtual environment named `spiking-fullsubnet`
    conda create --name spiking-fullsubnet python=3.10
    # Activate the environment
    conda activate spiking-fullsubnet

    The following steps will assume you have activated the spiking-fullsubnet environment.

  2. Install Conda dependencies. Some dependencies of Spiking-FullSubNet, e.g., PyTorch and Tensorboard, are recommended to be installed using Conda instead of PyPI. First, we install a CUDA-capable PyTorch. Although pytorch=2.1.1 has been tested, you may also use other versions:

    # Install PyTorch
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
    # Install other Conda dependencies
    conda install tensorboard joblib matplotlib
    # (Optional) If you have "mp3" format audio data in your dataset, install ffmpeg first.
    conda install ffmpeg -c conda-forge
  3. Install PyPI dependencies. Clone the repository and install PyPI dependencies via pip -r requirements.txt. Check requirements.txt for more details.

    git clone
    cd spiking-fullsubnet
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. We integrated all the audio signal processing tools into a package named audiozen. We will install the audiozen package in editable mode. By installing in editable mode, we can call audiozen package in everywhere of code, e.g, in recipes and tools folders. In addition, we are able to modify the source code of audiozen package directly. Any changes to the original package would reflect directly in your conda environment.

    pip install --editable . # or for short: pip install -e .

Ok, all installations have done. You may speed up the installation by the following tips.
