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MixSim is an open-source multipurpose speech mixture simulator that covers speaker localization/tracking, dereverberation, enhancement, separation, and recognition tasks.


  • add a logger to generate output files
  • add a report with the header that has an overview table and details
  • may add continue to simulate?
  • support additional real RIRs?


More realistic: The typical open-source datasets available today are relatively simple. For example, the WSJ0-2Mix dataset1 contains only two speakers, no noise, and a small amount of data. Models trained on these datasets do not generalize to real-world scenarios, e.g., Conv-TasNet, which achieves optimal performance, when acoustic conditions change slightly, does not work well2. This simulator can set parameters such as reverberation, noise, number of sources, source location, source movement trajectory, speech overlap rate, etc., closer to the natural acoustic scene.

More reproducible: The vast majority of the papers use non-open-source simulation datasets. Although the authors describe the configuration of the dataset in the implementation section in as much detail as possible, it is still difficult for the reader to simulate the same dataset. Many papers' datasets and data simulation scripts are not publicly available, making it impossible to reproduce and further analyze the model performance by tuning the data generation. Moreover, directly sharing their datasets on the Internet is lengthy and slow. This simulator ensures reasonability and treats reproducibility as a first-class thing. Using the Pull Request of the GitHub, the authors of papers can publish their configuration file to this repository. This repository will exhibit the configuration file and associate it with your paper and system details. We will keep the reproducibility of using your configuration file in the future.

More general: Unlike the commonly used datasets (LibriMix only for separation, DNS for only denoising, LibriCSS only for separation and ASR), the simulated datasets using this simulator can cover many tasks such as localization, tracking, enhancement, separation, dereverberation, and recognition. Only the required output targets need to be defined through configuration files. In addition, commonly used baseline models and algorithms are included in the example recipes. Based on the example recipes, we will analyze the importance of common parameters (SNR, reverberation time, and the number of sources) on the performance of each subtask.


In this simulator, you can or will be able to:

Use flexiable parameters: By customizing various parameters, the simulator produces a mixture closer to a natural scene than the common dataset. By customizing the output parameters, the simulator can generate datasets suitable for various tasks, including localization/tracking, denoising, dereverberation, separation and recognition.

Share your configuration: Push your scripts to this repository by the Pull Request, and we will use GitHub Actions to post your configuration on a showcase page (in the future), including the corresponding paper, dataset size and system details (python version, dependencies versions), etc. We will also support automatic syncing of the simulated datasets to the zenodo and Hugging Face. In this way, your dataset is reproducible, and others can efficiently conduct comparisons and experiments based on your dataset.

Use multiple calling methods: Use both offline and online calling methods. In offline calling, for simple tasks, you can use the simulator directly with console scripts, like:

mixsim \
--clean_data_path=<clean_data_path> \
--noise_data_path=<noise_data_path> \
--snr_range=2,3 \
--num_spks=2 \
For complex simulation tasks, you can build the dataset via the simulation recipe in the project recipe directory, like:

cd </path/to/project>
python --config_file recipes/train.toml
Supposing that you do not want to store many data on the local disk but have a sufficient memory size, you can use the simulator directly during PyTorch Dataloader iterations through the package reference, like:
from mixsim import mixer
mixture = mixer.mix(clean, noise, rirs)
Later, we will provide practical documentation of the core interface and examples via the Jupyter notebook.

Not Included Features#

This simulator aims to obtain a realistic mixture (as much as possible) using the given parameters and strictly keep the reproducibility. It includes preprocessing speech and noise databases and more realistic source mixing. We hope this simulator will help the algorithm and model design within the far-field speech signal processing. These are what this simulator does. This simulator will not include the complex and advanced parameters of RIR simulation, such as directional microphones and complex microphone architectures. Also, this simulator does not aim for data augmentation, like time stretch, pitch shifting, etc.

Main Components#

This simulator contains three core components that are Dataloader, RIR Simulators, and Mixer. The process is modularized so that many scenarios can be created by slightly changing the pipeline. We will provide example recipes and classes to show how the single modules are used. If a scenario is not supported, new modules can be easily implemented to adapt this simulator to your requirements.




The dataloader defines the loading, preprocessing, and iteration of the dataset. Basically, the dataloader is responsible for reading the speech and noise datasets from the database. The speech and noise datasets are paired together to produce the required amount of speech and noise for each iteration and perform normalization operations such as maximum loudness normalization (Max Norm), etc. Any clean database consisting of single-speaker utterances that provides access to speaker identities can be used to simulate data. Any additional information like transcriptions is kept and can still be used. The dataloader supports WSJ-0 and AISHELL-3 by default. The environmental noises (e.g., from WHAM!) are supported.

Parameters supported by the plan: - num_spks : the number of speakers needed for multi-speaker cases - parallel_preload : whether to parallel load and cache the database in memory in advance. For frequently used data, like noise - shuffle : whether to shuffle the data - sample_rate : sampling rate - save_vad : when the SNR of the speech database is low, after convolution of RIR, the noise is directional. This parameter is for speaker localization and tracking

RIR Simulator#


RIR Simulator simulates dynamic or static RIRs based on given room parameters, microphone (like architecture and position), and source position parameters. It contains subcomponents such as a room generator, trajectory generator, and microphone architecture generator. - The room generator samples room-related parameters based on the given room range, wall reflection coefficients, etc., and provides functions such as wall collision detection. - The trajectory simulator generates static positions or dynamic trajectories. You can specify the angle distribution between the target and the interfering sources if the case is multiple static sources. - Use the microphone architecture generator to generate some standard microphone arrays.

Parameters supported by the plan: - array_arch : supports predefined standard circular arrays (specifying radius and number), line arrays (specifying fixed or non-spaced intervals) - t60_range - room_size : range of room sizes. Currently, only convex hexahedral rooms to be supported (gpuRIR only supports convex hexahedral rooms) - room_absorption_coefficient : individual wall reflection coefficients - min_allowable_distance_to_wall : minimum source-to-microphone distance from the wall - angle_dist : angular distribution between the target and interfering sound sources. The angle distribution will converge to the desired ratio after the dataset simulation is completed - trajectory_types : the types of trajectories to be simulated - use_elevation : generate elevation angle for localization and tracking - use_azimuth : generate azimuth angle for localization and tracking - use_distance : generate the distance from the sound source to the microphone, used for localization and tracking - rir_interval : how often the RIR is simulated - The additional databases that provide room impulse responses - Early-Late reflection split, which is commonly used for dereverberation - ...



The mixer mixes the speech sources and background noise. Precisely, it first does a basic check of the relevant configuration. Then it determines the early response of the signal (when it contains reverberation) by peak checking, unifies the loudness, and generates a mixture.

Parameters supported by the plan: - overlap_ratios : in natural conversations, speech signals are continuous and contain both overlapped and overlap-free regions, which can be specified - target_loudness_level : a given level for loudness normalization - floating_range_target loudness level : a given limit for loudness normalization - mix_mode : support "min" (the mixture ends when the shortest source ends), "max" (the mixture ends with the longest source, and the shorter source will start at a random position). It is used when the overlap_ratios is set to 100% - snr_range - sir_range

Configurable Writer#

For different tasks, by using a configurable writer, you can output the desired audio signals and other information, like - Clean Mixture - Noisy mixture - Direct-path impulse responses (DPIRs) and the filtered - Early-path impulse responses (EPIRs) and the filtered - Room impulse responses (RIRs) and the filtered - Transcriptions - Brief report, including the number of files, the total hours, etc. - ...

Roadmap Planning#

The basic idea is first to build a simulator system that is easily scalable, easy to participate in, and well-structured before August. In the functional aspect, this simulator fully satisfies the demand for multi-channel multi-speaker speech recognition in dynamic environments.

After July, the main tasks are to give mainstream baselines on an example recipe, extend the calling method, support sharing, and publish other people's recipes.

Planned before Aug.#

  • Jun. 21 to Jun. 28
  • Jun. 29 to Jul. 5
    • Refactor previous dataloader to configurable
    • Support the parameters of dataloader listed above
    • Support the WHAM! noise dataset
    • Support dataset composition
    • Implement mixer, support the parameters listed above
  • Jul. 6 to Jul. 12
    • Implement RIR Simulator based on the old code
    • Support the parameters of RIR Simulator listed above
  • Jul. 13 to Jul. 19
    • Design version system for reproducible simulation through (maybe) locking versions of simulator and dependencies, collecting metadata (spitted length, start position of slicing, etc.), during the simulating.
    • Design the structure of configuration and implement parser and validator of configuration file
    • Implement configurable writer
  • Jul. 20 to Jul. 26
    • Add basic documents, like tutorials.
    • Implement baseline methods


  • Implement mainstream baselines on each task based on an example recipe. Moreover, give a brief analysis.
  • (Cannot make sure) Support sharing and publishing the configuration file and dataset meta information on a showcase page by the Pull Request.
  • Support for calling basic functions through the console scripts, like mixsim --clean_data_path=... --noise_data_path=... --snr_range=2,3 num_spks=2 ...
  • Support for using any additional database that provides room impulse responses
  • (Cannot make sure) Support for generating the classical speech mixture scenarios
    • WSJ0-2mix/WSJ0-3mix
    • LibriCSS
  • Add more documents

The showcase page metioned above is something likes:

  1. Hershey, John R., et al. "Deep clustering: Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation." 2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2016. 

  2. Kadıoğlu, Berkan et al. “An Empirical Study of Conv-Tasnet.” ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2020): 7264-7268.